Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fat Burners And Diet Pills. The Ingredients.

Fat burners do raise your metabolic burn rate, but it is only by four to five percent. For a person who needs 2,000 calories a day, this would result in an extra 80 to 100 calories burned.

So, if your diet is off by 500 or more calories, it won’t make a difference.  In comparison, a glass of wine is about 120 calories and a muffin can set you back up to 500.

The main benefit of any fat loss product resides not so much in its actual fat burning ability, but in the hunger suppression and the added energy they provide. That extra edge (mainly coming from the stimulatory effects of caffeine) helps the calorie-deprived athlete to push through his workouts, even when hungry and fatigued. Trust me, if you are really dieting, a serving of caffeine can be a godsend for your mood and energy levels.

Let’s talk a look at the ingredients in your typical fat burner and rate them in order to give you an idea what you should be looking for.
Rating Fat Burner Ingredients

For the most part fat burners start of by saying “proprietary formula”. What does this mean?

Bad news for you, I am afraid. The manufacturer is simply lumping together all the ingredients without telling you how much of each is in the product. That usually means that they have something to hide. DO not buy!

Another warning sign is the term “breakthrough technology.” I am not quite sure what the potential breakthrough could be, but if there was one you would need a prescription for the product.

Most diet pills contain caffeine and or green tea, B-vitamins and yohimbine or taurine. While these substances all have some merit, they are not miracle drugs.

Caffeine. Caffeine does help to burn off more free fatty acids in your blood stream while you’re exercising. It is also present in almost all fat burners since it is cheap and makes people “feel something” or “gives energy."

Ephedra. Ehepdra: a beta-2 mimetica, extremely effective at stimulating the metabolism and the oxidation of brown fat. It is currently banned, yet there are rumors that the FDA is considering reversing its stance.

Yohimbine. Yohimbine can be helpful (up to a point) in up-regulating norephedrine, which causes greater thermogenesis (heat production) and lypolysis (break down of fatty tissue). Some people might experience nausea from taking yohimbine; for those, a topical application seems more promising.

If go back to chapter one of my book, you’ll see the part where I talk about alpha and beta receptors. Just to reiterate, alpha receptors block fat loss out of the cell.

Yohimbine works as an alpha receptor antagonist, so it blocks the fat loss blocker (we all remember sixth grade math, a double negative equals a positive), thereby making it an interesting tool especially for women. Keep in mind that any amount of insulin negates the effects of yohimbine, so try to consume few to no carbohydrates when taking it.
The main problem is that most fat burners do not contain enough yohimbine. You’ll need 5-10 mgs.

Fat Burners

Green Tea. Green tea: basically another form of caffeine with some antioxidants, useful but often underdosed, so buy your own. The active ingredient is EGCG, which is responsible for appetite suppression and decreased absorption of fatty acids.

Tyrosine. L-tyrosine: An amino acid, can be a great help to focus before a workout, again mostly under dosed, you’ll need 3 grams.

Vencopetine. Vencopetine: improves blood flow, but the main positive is that it helps with concentration and overall mood.

Tuarine. L-taurine: also an amino acid, it has some mild pain killing abilities, again needs to be taken in larger doses and on an empty stomach to have any effect.

Nargenin. Nargenin: is a substance found in grapefruit. Not a fat burner per se but it slows down the breakdown of caffeine, hence making a fat burner more effective. I prefer grapefruit juice to wash down a fat burner.

Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne pepper: has been used in traditional medicine for increased blood flow, which helps with the transportation of fatty acids.

Synephrine. Synephrine: this has been used ever since ephedra was banned, but it has never lived up to the hype.

B Vitamins. B-vitamins: sure why not, they are good for the nerves and cheap. Usefulness for fat loss? Not so much.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C: great for colds, but in diet pills?
Sport And Bodybuilding

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