Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Testosterone Propionate True and Myth

Testosterone Propionate was one of the first anabolic androgenic steroids ever synthesized and made ready for human use in mass production and as such is one of the most popular anabolic steroids of all time. While there are hundreds of anabolic steroids and forms within each, Testosterone Propionate is largely one of the easiest to understand as it is very basic in composition and simply a pure testosterone. However, as simple as it is it further remains very powerful and highly effective yet many understand Testosterone Propionate as well as they understand the most basic algorithms used in space exploration.

While a very simple hormone to understand the facts remain tarnished as most garner their information from internet wonder boys who are masters of the Bro-Tastic lifestyle. Nevertheless the truth is out there; understanding is attainable and we've provided you with a good place to start. We have taken some of the most common misconceptions off of some of the most popular message boards that deal in the discussion of anabolic steroids and Testosterone Propionate and left you with the truth.

Testosterone Propionate is one of the more popular testosterone forms used the world over and one of the more popular anabolic androgenic steroids of all time. As testosterone was the first anabolic steroid every synthesized Testosterone Propionate was the first form to hit the shelves in mass quantities made ready for human use. Like the popular oral steroid Dianabol, Testosterone Propionate has been available for a very long time and like

Dianabol it is just as popular today as its ever been. One of the reasons Testosterone Propionate holds such high popularity is simply because it is pure testosterone, a very versatile anabolic hormone; further, most who use it find it very easy to control; while all testosterone forms are comprised of the same identical active hormone because the Propionate version is so fast acting and short lived due to its very nature it is perhaps the most controllable testosterone available with stability and peak levels being very easy to maximize and held in an efficient manner. Moreover, as almost every pharmaceutical company that manufactures anabolic steroids manufactures Testosterone Propionate, as well as every last underground lab and since black market sales are the largest corner of the steroid market it’s easy to understand how and why so much Testosterone-Propionate finds its way into the hands of many every year.

Myth: Testosterone Propionate is a cutting steroid.
Truth: Testosterone Propionate is a testosterone, the same as Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate or any other form you can find it is made up of pure testosterone; in that there is no difference. Testosterone Propionate will not 'cut you up' any more than any other form of testosterone; it does not possess fat burning abilities absent other forms. It is true, when Testosterone Propionate is used water retention will be of a slightly less concern but in the overall scheme this effect in-terms of the difference between another form is negligible and will be discussed more thoroughly in a myth to come. Even so, actual leanness and water retention are two very different things and are often coupled together inappropriately.

Myth: You won't bloat with Testosterone Propionate use.
Truth: When you administer testosterone of any form it converts to estrogen via the aromatase process and this can lead to excess water retention; it does not matter which form you use, the process is inevitable regardless. However, Testosterone Propionate has been shown to aromatize to a slightly lesser degree than other forms but only slightly and in the end the difference cannot be seen unless you are already extremely lean. Many people fail to recognize two important factors; with the use of a quality aromatase inhibitor excess bloating can largely be controlled, however, there is another very important factor to consider and it is the most important of all.

If you are supplementing with Testosterone Propionate and taking in excess carbohydrates you will bloat just the same as if you were using Testosterone Cypionate or any other form. Granted, each and every person will vary in-terms of sensitivity but the truth remains the same. Many competitive bodybuilders, the epitome of lean and water free use all types of testosterone when dieting or bulking be it Testosterone Propionate or long ester based testosterones such as Enanthate.

Myth: Testosterone Propionate will not suppress natural testosterone production to the same degree as many other forms.
Truth: This is perhaps the most ridiculous assumption and one of the most ridiculous myths regarding anabolic steroids period. The truth, anabolic steroid use will suppress natural testosterone production; granted, some steroids do so more than others. For example, Anavar will not suppress natural testosterone production to the same degree as Deca Durabolin but some suppression will still occur. As it pertains to testosterone, be it a short ester based or long ester based the end result of suppression is the same. Testosterone Propionate like Enanthate and Cypionate forms or testosterone mixtures such as Sustanon-250 will dramatically suppress natural testosterone production while being used.

Myth: Testosterone Propionate is not as powerful for bulking as long ester base forms.
Truth: The active hormone testosterone is the same in all forms and the mode of action and its very nature is no different in Testosterone Propionate than it is in Testosterone Cypionate or any other form. However, this myth gets more ridiculous as on a milligram for milligram basis Testosterone Propionate is stronger than other commonly used ester based testosterones. For example, 100mg of Testosterone Propionate will yield approximately 83mg of testosterone, the rest of the total mass being comprised of the Propionate ester. Conversely, 100mg of Testosterone Cypionate, because the Cypionate ester takes up more mass in the total compound will yield approximately 70mg of active testosterone per 100mg. Granted, you can receive the same dose of active testosterone by simply adjusting where needed but in the end the benefits and results will be the same with Testosterone Propionate or any form assuming all things remain constant, i.e. dosing, duration of use, diet and training.

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