Friday, May 20, 2011


It's no secret, perfectly developed body, strong muscles and beautiful, excellent physical shape does not enjoy the low popularity.
In our time we can not hardly be able to find any novice athlete who'd had no idea that drugs such as steroids - are harmful. Still, the athletes begin, use steroids and grow with incredible force. By the way, if you're interested in how to lose weight after giving birth, it is recommended to pass on the above link.
Consider a few basic questions relating to "using steroids":
As steroids can affect the training of bodybuilders?
The main effects that occur after the adoption?
Let us determine benefit or harm from these drugs?
So, let's look at the key areas through which the steroid effects on man and the consequences that arise after hours:
There has been an increase in indicators of strength, because they increase the amount of substances in the body, increases the presence of elements such as myosin and actin, which are responsible for muscle contraction. Some scientists prescribe this drug increase the power of certain indicators, and an increase in the volume of fluid in the cells called sarcoplasm and water retention.It has been noticed an increase in muscle size (muscle mass). These anabolic steroids stimulate the receptor molecules located in the muscle cells that leads to increased synthesis, which is involved primarily for the exchange of protein in the body. The result is a great need for digestion of food protein in the human body. It is felt that steroids have the effect of the so-called kotobolicheskim, the essence is that they prevent the destruction of muscle tissue that are caused by high-intensity workouts. Yet the increase in muscle size is directly due to the increasing number of sarcoplasm. Blood in the muscles swings faster - it also creates the effect of muscle growth.Was observed analgesic effect from taking steroids. In clinical use of steroids was carried out for pain of arthritis. Also this fact is confirmed by many bodybuilders used the steroids.
After steroid found an increase in stamina and strength. There is, view the use of drugs in the course of training, increasing the total number of mitochondria and the muscles get an additional opportunity to receive kislorod.Est opinion that increases the level of gimoglabina in the body, which in turn is a direct source of the displacement of oxygen and thus increases endurance. So it was noticed that when using certain types of steroids increases the pressure in the eyeball is enlarged blood vessels .. This factor causes increased blood flow to the muscles. It is believed that the ability to make more impact training the body begins to produce creatine. Without making a large number of human muscle creatine begin to tire quickly, also increases the content of lactic acid. Was found ability to maintain muscle glycogen, which is the fuel for the "bomb" exercise in bodybuilders.
Showed a significant reduction in the time an athlete to recover from a workout. In terms of bodybuilding is a plus, which increases during exercise. You can also select a more intensive healing injuries, torn muscles. Some people believe that if properly organized training can completely eliminate the tears, strains, sprains.
Allocate favorable changes in the psyche. Argued that the use of steroids plunges man into a known state, which manifests itself in feelings of euphoria, increased aggressiveness. Accordingly, these factors allow athletes to deal with the "bomb" loads.
Among the psychological effects can be noted: the rise of forces and there is a strong desire to exercise, increased aggressiveness, ability to endure pain, increased ability to set and achieve goals.These qualities contribute to the development of bodybuilders.
Most of the positive effects of steroids have long been used in medicine. So, you should not rely only these properties inherent in steroids. We select only the most basic information of possible harmful effects after the use of steroids: acceptance of different drugs can lead to liver disease. Were known for 22 cases, after taking anabolic steroids have serious liver disease. Sometimes the tumors that arise in the liver, dissolve after their use.
The negative impact of anabolic steroids on the reproductive system, the negative impact of steroids on the cardiovascular system, the psyche, the occurrence of cancer. So that all should know when to stop ...

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