Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ten Most Common Errors Made with Anabolic Steroids and Performance Enhancement Drugs (part 2):

6. POOR TRAINING TECHNIQUE: Weight training must be intense to create a state of catabolism in the body. Steroids are most effective in this situation. An athlete can attain this state with regular, intense workouts. Remember, weight training is the stimulus that allows skeletal muscle cells to use the anabolic steroids. Without this proper catalyst, anabolic steroids will not exert the desired effect. Workouts should be progressive and involve maximum weights. The most important concept to understand, and one of the few on which almost all experts in the bodybuilding community agree, is the idea of training to muscular failure. In other words, if when performing a set, you are able to complete the ten repetitions without aid from a partner, then the set was performed with a weight that was too light. Although the experts often disagree on the most effective work-out duration, with opinions ranging from twenty minutes to three hours, almost all agree that the last two or three reps of each set should not be possible entirely by oneself. This holds true for both steroid users and non-users alike.

7. FAILURE TO OBTAIN REGULAR BLOOD TESTS: A simple blood profile can be of incredible benefit to steroid user. An initial plasma screen should be performed to establish a reference range, and to determine any existing problems that might preclude the use of steroids. If the initial test shows no contraindications, then another should be done about 6 weeks into the cycle to check for further abnormalities. During the initial weeks of a cycle, many readings often become elevated only to return to normal several weeks later. Blood screening every six weeks should bypass this normal fluctuation and give a more accurate interpretation. If this blood test shows elevated serum levels, it might justify ending the cycle to avoid serious damage. If this test checks out okay, another should be done a month after the cycle to indicate that the body is recovering from the steroid cycle. Finally, another blood test should be done before starting a new cycle. This test should confirm that all levels are back to normal before a new cycle commences. Hemoglobin testing can prevent many asymptotic side effects that do not surface until damage has been done.
Unfortunately, only a fraction of steroid users ever gets a blood test.

8. USING THE WRONG STEROIDS: Many athletes increase the risk of side effects by using the wrong steroids. The use of androgenic steroids is frequently linked to serious side effects. Androgenic steroids exert their effects primarily on the secondary sexual characteristics of the body like the deepening of the voice, development of the sex organs, and male pattern baldness. If one feels he must use these items; they should never be used for more than 4 to 6 weeks at a time. Also, when stacking, it is not wise to use more than one highly androgenic product at a time. Injectable steroids are a better choice in most cases as they not only provide a steady influx of the drug to the blood stream, but they are not subject to first pass, a stage where an oral steroid goes through the liver losing a great deal of its potency, and causing a great deal of stress to the organ. Most athletes still are not aware that they can achieve great gains on low androgenic and high anabolic or muscle development inducing steroids, while avoiding many hazards. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that a thorough knowledge of which steroids are highly anabolic versus those that are primarily androgenic is of paramount importance. The company Elite Fitness Research maintains a database of the various brands of steroids and how they exert their effects on the body.

9. USING COUNTERFEITS: This heading speaks for itself. Phony steroids are being used by thousands of unsuspecting athletes. Some of these bad steroids contain impurities that cause infections or even poisoning at the extreme. Other fake steroids, contain only inert ingredients, which will of course result in no muscle gains. Other counterfeits carry the name of one drug, but actually contain another. This can result in the athlete using a drug he or she does not desire to be using. For example, a recent test of a product called Liquid Anavar was found to contain a mixture of testosterones. Many athletes used this drug for contest preparation thinking it would help enhance definition, when in fact the drug was making them retain water and look bloated. This item was also used by several women who were told it was a very low androgenic steroid, when in fact
the testosterone which the 'Anavar' contained was exactly what they wanted to avoid. Fake steroids do pose a serious threat to athletes. It is increasingly difficult to spot counterfeits; however, with a good eye and an accurate description of the real version’s packaging it is possible.

10. FAILURE TO OBTAIN ADEQUATE INFORMATION: This last mistake is almost self explanatory. Information is the key to successful and safe steroid usage. One point bears additional consideration. The information should come from a reliable and knowledgeable source. Many athletes begin a cycle with only the advice of a black-market steroid drug dealer. Another source of very poor information is conventional gym wisdom. Often this information is based solely on anecdote with no regard to psychological fact. Finally, it is important to realize that the knowledge of steroids in the medical community varies widely from doctor to doctor. Some have excellent information and some have either very little knowledge of the subject or significantly outdated views. Make certain to ask anyone who has an opinion on the subject where he or she got the facts
and do not be afraid to question those sources. Of the athletes that I have interviewed that tried a cycle of legitimate anabolic steroids, those that did not make good gains in lean body mass most often have not paid special consideration to points 2, 5, and 6. For anabolic steroids to be effective, they must be used in relatively high dosages, on a high calorie diet, and an athlete must train intensely.

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