Thursday, February 13, 2014

Testosterone C250 Testosterone Cypionate by Biomex Labs Cycles & Doses

Testosterone is a hormone naturally produced by both men and women responsible for a host of functions; most notably muscle and bone growth, regeneration and male sexual characteristics. While men produce nearly ten times as much testosterone as women both require adequate amounts of this androgen class hormone in order to maintain a proper endocrine system. For those who suffer from low levels of testosterone, as Testosterone C250 (Testosterone Cypionate) by Biomex Labs is a pure form of testosterone it is often used to combat this condition and return levels to a more suitable level. Those who suffer from low testosterone levels commonly find their libido to be reduced, fat gain and muscle loss to occur, as well as immune system deficiencies and even depression. As you can easily see testosterone is a very important hormone and with its many functions, when we increase levels beyond a normal range, as is the purposes in performance enhancing we effectively increase the attributes associated with this powerful anabolic androgenic steroid.

Testosterone C250 (Testosterone Cypionate) is truly a perfect anabolic steroid for any purpose; be it hormone replacement therapy (HRT), performance enhancing, bulking or cutting purposes it is a fine choice in all events. While 200mg every 7-10 days is common among HRT patients the dosing among performance enhancers will vary. 400mg-500mg per week split into two even doses is generally the rule of thumb for any beginner and quite commonly the max many will ever use or need. While we can safely use 1,000mg per week the risks will increase but such dosing is common in bodybuilding and power lifting circles and even beyond. An interesting note, while injections of 1-2 times per week is all that is needed, in recent years many competitive bodybuilders have begun injecting long ester based testosterones every other day, including Testosterone C250. The idea is to keep blood test levels at their peak max and while this would prove to be unnecessary on paper many bodybuilders report a more stable feeling by following this protocol; remember, what’s on paper does not always match up with real life.

As for your Testosterone C250 cycle, most will find 8 weeks of use to be the bear minimum with 16 weeks being far more efficient. Regardless of your duration of use a solid post cycle therapy (PCT) plan must be in place. Because Testosterone C250 (Testosterone Cypionate) is a long ester based testosterone you will necessarily begin PCT 3 weeks after your final injection, which may include hCG, Nolva and/or Clomid. Those who use hCG are advised to begin use approximately ten days before Nolva/Comid for approximately ten days of use.

Myth: Testosterone Cypionate is stronger than Testosterone Enanthate.
Truth: This is not only a myth but when you really stop and look it’s absolutely ridiculous. These two compounds are almost identical in every single way; milligram for milligram there is zero difference in-terms of power, potency, efficiency or effectiveness. The only significant difference between the two testosterone forms is in the half-life each carries but even then it’s really not significant in an applicable way at all. Testosterone-Enanthate carries a half-life of approximately 11 days while Testosterone C250 Testosterone Cypionate carries a half-life of approximately 12 days. If you understand steroids even in the slightest then you understand this difference is for all intense purposes meaningless.

Myth: Testosterone Cypionate will cause serious bloat and should not be used when cutting/dieting.
Truth: All testosterone forms can cause water retention, even Testosterone-Propionate, known by many to be a little easier regarding water. Testosterone, regardless of the form you use can convert to estrogen through aromatase and lead to estrogenic related side-effects, one of which is water retention. However, if we use a good aromatase inhibitor we can greatly alleviate this problem, although your individual sensitivity will vary from person to person. Here’s the kicker, all testosterones can lead to water retention; however, testosterone is the best steroid we can ever use for any cycle. The problem is most guys will use Testosterone Cypionate when “bulking” eat more carbohydrates than they have any business eating, bloat and blame it on the Testosterone Cypionate. Then when it’s time to diet they’ll use Testosterone-Propionate, eat far less carbohydrates, not bloat and start labeling these two testosterones inappropriately. Yes, you can absolutely use Testosterone Cypionate while dieting and end up ripped to the bone, in-fact, if your diet is on point we guarantee this will happen.

Myth: A low dose of Testosterone Cypionate will not produce any results.
Truth: Again, this is an outright lie; a mere 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate every 7-10 days can be life changing and give a boost to a physique it could have never found without. The problem is most use garbage; they buy their Testosterone Cypionate from underground labs that make their gear who knows where and nine times out of ten far below optimum potency and sanitary levels. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you take 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate per week in human grade form you will fill it, you will see results and benefits. Can you take more? Absolutely, 400-750mg per week is very common place; in competitive bodybuilding we often get as high as 1,000mg or more per week. However, the higher the dose the greater the risk but the greater the risk the greater the reward; it is a tradeoff the same as most things in life.


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